Our team

Maiol and Lorena make an unbeatable team when it comes to sales and marketing. With their complementary skills, they bring a powerful combination to the table. Maiol is a sales wizard, capable of selling anything to anyone, while Lorena is a creative mastermind with a strategic mindset.

Together, they have founded 6 degrees, a groundbreaking consulting concept designed to propel your startup’s growth.

Lorena Pineda

FOUNDER – lpineda@6degrees.es

I have always been curious, determined, and restless by nature. That’s why I love traveling so much. It’s the thrill of exploration that drives me. For me, the journey begins the moment I choose the destination. I don’t believe in just skimming the surface. I put my energy and passion into everything I do; we are here to enjoy. Don’t you agree?

In my professional life, I am just the same—curious about everything around me and determined to make a difference in the world to the best of my abilities. That’s why, after over 15 years of developing marketing strategies for companies, the time has come for me to embark on a new challenge and create 6 degrees, a new consulting concept designed to fuel the growth of your startup.


FOUNDER – mtomas@6degrees.es

To problems, solutions. I could make a t-shirt with this phrase because it’s my motto. I can’t stand people who constantly complain out of habit; it goes against my inherent optimism. I question everything: if something is going wrong, I seek to fix it, and if something is going well, I strive to make it even better. It’s the only way to move forward.

On a professional level, I have built my career in sales and export departments, working for companies of all sizes, from small startups to globally recognized ones. After several years of designing corporate strategies, I have decided to venture out on my own and help startups optimize their sales processes to sell more effectively.

Talk to us!

We want to know all the details of your business and provide you with the advice you need!